How do I check the status of my order?
Log in to your account and navigate to the order history tab.
FAQs From Same Category
Please allow 1-2 business days for orders to be processed before they are shipped out.
To prevent online fraud and safeguard against unauthorized credit card use, we utilize order verification (also known as address verification). Our verification team will reach out to your card-issuing bank to confirm that the billing name and address on your order match the information on file with your bank.
If additional information is required or if there are any discrepancies, we will contact you via email rather than phone. Orders that cannot be verified within 5 business days will be automatically canceled. Please Note: that all orders are subject to verification procedures.
If you have any questions regarding your order, please follow these simple steps for assistance.
To submit a question, please follow these steps:
Navigate to "Your Account" and select "Order history and details."
Click on the word "details" next to the order you have a question about.
Scroll to the bottom of the page.
You'll find "Question about your order".
Write a question about order and click send.
Please Note: If you have a question regarding a specific product you ordered, please choose the product from the "Select Product" tab and proceed to describe your issue. If you are experiencing issues with multiple products or your entire order, do not select any product and simply describe your concern before clicking send.
Important: To ensure that your question is promptly addressed by our customer service team, please refrain from replying directly to our emails. Instead, kindly submit your questions using the same method outlined above to guarantee that your inquiry is properly received and addressed.